Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Testing

Using science to help determine caloric needs

The resting metabolic rate (RMR) test consists of breathing into a tube for about 10 minutes. Using the measured oxygen consumption, the machine determines your resting metabolic rate, or how many calories your individual body burns in a day. By using your RMR and active calories burned in the day, the results provide calorie ranges to follow based on your goals.

You must be at least 4 hours fasted and cannot consume caffeine or exercise before the test.

How does your metabolism compare?

Your measured resting metabolic rate is compared to what would be typical of someone of the same sex, age, height, and weight to determine whether you have a slow, normal, or fast metabolism. This is important to know so you can make educated nutritional decisions to help reach your goals! Anywhere between +/- 10% of that predicted value is considered a normal-functioning metabolism, and anything outside of that range would be considered slow or fast.

Where do I go from here?

If you would like a little more guidance, have one of our Bodymass nutrition coaches help you out! Using the results from your RMR tests and a questionnaire, one of our Bodymass coaches will set you on the path to success.

We offer 2 optional nutrition add-ons for your RMR purchase.

Option 1 - Customized Macronutrient Breakdown. You will receive a recommended number of grams of carbohydrates, fats, and protein to consume daily to reach your goals.

Option 2 - Customized 7-Day Meal Plan. You will receive a breakdown of what to eat for each of your meals each day.

Book an appointment.